目前分類:課業 (2)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
    I heard footsteps: someone was passing by. A wheelbarrow was pushed past my head, it's load was probably heavy, for it's squeaking and creaking grated on my nerves and set my teeth on edge. Then everything seemed to turn crimson: the sun must have risen. So I must be facing east. Not that it mattered.
  前人說:人只是過客。命運的輪子一直推著我的頭,他的重量實在很重。for it's squeaking and creaking grated on 我的 nerves並且 set my 牙齒在這階段,然後每件事似乎變得 crimson:太陽必須升起。所以我必須面對日落。毫無疑問的。

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Excuse me, can I ask you some questions? This is our homework. Thank you!


1. Where do you come from?

2. How old are you?

3. Why do you come here?

4. What place in Taiwan do you like?

5. Do you like theater or movies?

6. How often do you go to see a play?

7. Which movies do you like best?

8. Do you know Jacky Chen?

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